Entradas Tickets KID SIMIUS Planet of the Simius Tour concierto en sala PlantaBaja (Granada)
Concierto de KID SIMIUS en live, con su Planet of the Simius 2018 en Sala PLANTABAJA (Granada)

Planet of the Simius
“I produced the record that I, as a music fan, wanted to hear from me.” Anyone who can say that has already won. “Planet of the Simius”, the new album of the Berliner by choice and eternal world man Kid Simius, is the Opus Magnum, many producers and musicians without a voice, are struggling for their whole life. It is bright, daring, light-hearted, universal and deeply personal.”
Nearly ten years ago, Kid Simius moved from Granada in southern Spain to Berlin. Since then he has produced signature number-one and underground hits and played in Germany’s most important rapper in the band. He has produced HipHop, bass music, surfpop, psychedelic disco and electronic pop. He has toured halfway around the world and, almost by the way, has established himself as one of the most sought after house and techno DJs in Berlin’s underground scene. Ask his colleagues such as Marteria or Paul Kalkbrenner. Ask Siriusmo, Roland Knauf (Deichkind) or Tropf (Beginner), with whom he has worked. Ask the party folk at Kater Blau, at the Fusion, on the Splash or the SXSW. You don’t find a musician like Kid Simius every day.
Even Kid Simius himself is sometimes desperate to try to bring together the supposed breaks in his biography. So he decided at some point not only to accept them, but to embrace them, to celebrate them. That’s exactly what Planet of the Simius does. Each of the eleven songs sheds light on a new facet of Kid Simius’ music – and dresses them in electronic pop with a big heart for the golden era of disco and soul. Everyone of which represents a cherished influence or a personal memory. Each one was created in collaboration with a friendly musician – from Australia, Ireland, Colombia, Italy, Portugal, UK, Spain, Brazil, Germany, Mexico, USA and even Switzerland. What holds all this together is Kid Simius’ ear for timeless good songs and a contemporary sound.
For example, “Flute Song” is based on the sample of a flute given to Kid Simius on Taganga beach. For “Flashback” he has worked with his brother Miguel and the Irish all-rounder Enda Gallery, who also sings on the not so secret hit of the record, “Livin It Up”, and has worked on further pieces of harmonies. The guitars come from Dirk Berger from the producer team Krauts, another longtime companion. Finally, for “Spanish Footwork”, Kid Simius recorded the dance steps of the flamenco dancer Ana Menjibar, with whom he performs together. One can interpret this as a reference to his roots and at the same time as a wink to the future. Of course you can also just dance to it.
“If you only follow the expectations of others, you will not be able to evolve and eventually not even enthuse yourself. But if you’re enthused, you’ll inevitably inspire others too…”
and the best proof of this, is: “Planet of the Simius”.
Entradas Tickets KID SIMIUS Planet of the Simius Tour concierto en sala PlantaBaja (Granada)

Más info de KID SIMIUS:
KID SIMIUS – en Facebook

Entradas Tickets KID SIMIUS Planet of the Simius Tour concierto en sala PlantaBaja (Granada)
- Apertura de puertas: 21.00 horas.
- Comienzo: 22.00 horas.
- Entrada anticipada: 10€ (+ gastos)
- Entrada en taquilla: 15€ si disponibles, (recinto con Aforo limitado)
- Prohibida la entrada a menores de 18 años.
Entradas limitadas. En taquilla 15€, si quedan disponibles, recinto con aforo limitado.

Entradas Tickets KID SIMIUS Planet of the Simius Tour concierto en sala PlantaBaja (Granada)
Las entradas para este evento se pueden adquirir online en esta web, en www.entradasgo.com, y de forma presencial en las tiendas de Granada:
- discos Marcapasos (Calle Duquesa, Granada)
- discos Bora Bora (Plaza de la Universidad, Granada)
- Subterránea Disco y Cómics, (Horno de Abad, Granada)
Precio entradas en Taquilla. 15€ (si disponibles, AFORO LIMITADO)
Apertura de puertas: 21:00h. comienzo del espectáculo: 22:00h.